Googled on my iPhone for Amplify after Facebook broke my iPad!

OK – got you here! Now, read some tips from the experts on how to craft irresistible headlines.

Or join the discussion over on Joe Hackman’s Amplify – is the best time to blog really when when you are tanked to the gills?!

“Pass the port, Algernon, there’s a good chap!”

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How to Write Magnetic Headlines

How to Write Headlines

Your headline is the first, and perhaps only, impression you make on a prospective reader. Without a compelling promise that turns a browser into a reader, the rest of your words may as well not even exist. So, from a copywriting and content marketing standpoint, writing great headlines is a critical skill.

Here are some interesting statistics.


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This is a great post for any blogger to read but I was floored by the strong title. What process do you use when picking titles for your blog posts? I really pull them out of the sky, I try different things, experiment and try to replicate what works but it can be a challenge. Any tips?

How is this for devilishly strong titles: “Write drunk; edit sober” ht @copyblogger #blogging #tips

by Joe Hackman

I am sooooo fed-up with Google dumping products and features!

First Google dumps Notebook and ignores the storm of protests and pleas:

Now they are reducing the functionality of Google Reader and Google Groups.

At the same time Yahoo! is upgrading Groups to be more like Facebook . . .

What is going on??

#GoogleNotebook #GoogleReader #GoogleGroups #YahooGroups

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Official Google Reader Blog - News, Tips and Tricks from the Reader team

Turning off the track changes feature

As of September 30th, we’ll be turning off track changes in Reader.Read more at

To focus on improving the core functionality of Google Groups — mailing lists and forum discussions — we have decided to stop supporting the pages and files features. Read more at

Reflect or change mental models to improve website usability

More straightforward “research into practice” advice from Jakob Nielsen’s “Alertbox”.

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Mental Models


What users believe they know about a UI strongly impacts how they use it. Mismatched mental models are common, especially with designs that try something new.

Mixed-Up Mental Models

Many of the usability problems we observe in studies stem from users having mixed-up mental models that confuse different parts of the system.

Mental Model Inertia

There’s great inertia in users’ mental models: stuff that people know well tends to stick, even when it’s not helpful. This alone is surely an argument for being conservative and not coming up with new interaction styles.

Acting on Mental Models

In case of a mental-model mismatch, you basically have two different options:

Make the system conform to users’ mental models — assuming most models are similar.

Improve users’ mental models so that they more accurately reflect your system.Read more at